If we are honest with God, we will be honest with people.

If we are wide-open and free with God, we will be wide-open and free to be our truest self with people; unafraid; unashamedly unafraid.

If we are transparent with God, we will be transparent with people.

If we are at home and comfortable in the presence of God, we will be at home and comfortable in the presence of people; any person, anywhere; they are our family.

If we are quick to respond to God in obedience, we will be quick to respond to people with loving kindness–because this is obedience.

If we have met with the authority and Lordship of Jesus in our life, then we quickly recognize and rightly honor people.

The opposite is true too…

Dishonesty with people shows a heart that is dishonest with God.

A lack of openness and sincere warmth with people shows a heart that is closed, with hard areas before God, possibly from fear. Fear causes insecurity because of a lack of trust in God.

An inability to be transparent before people shows there are things hidden, and even things unrepented of, before God.

Uncomfortable with people shows a person hasn’t yet learnt to be comfortable in the presence of God, or simply, doesn’t spend time with God–prayerlessness.

A lack of love or kindness shows an unresponsive heart to God.

Disrespectful, arrogant, and pride-filled shows a person hasn’t yet met with the authority of Jesus. Jesus is not Lord of their life, the person isĀ lord over their life.

…And I’m talking about Christians.