Tribe Jesus is a multi-use social media platform.

One feature is social sharing and networking and like other networks you have the ability to share anything that is important to you: photos, videos, inspired thoughts, words of encouragement, prayer and scripture, news articles, world events, and you can interact with other people’s passions as they share what they love.

We are not to trying to replace other networks you already know and love. We are offering another option for networking in the ever-expanding social network world. We are not hiding away from the world by calling it an obvious Christian name: Tribe Jesus. We are unapologetic lovers of Jesus who do want to freely share testimony and prayer and other vitally important events, pertinent to our life and faith, and without the hyper-censorship occurring across many platforms currently. And without the bitter vitriol so prevalent on many platforms. All people are welcome here, but this will be a platform that honors the Lord Jesus Christ and honors people.

God is bringing revival and reformation to His church, to our nation, and the nations. He is shaking and purifying everything so we can build again, according to His plans. Anyone who will hear His voice and courageously follow Him will find themselves renewed and empowered to see His Kingdom come.

On this platform we host a prayer network and a school. The Revival Prayer Network is for anyone who values prayer and who prays daily for the things that concern God’s heart; which is a very wide range of prayer points. Prayerfully, we go after prophetic intercession to pray and declare what God wants in the earth. He loves to make Himself known to us this way! He loves to include us in HIs plans! (Amos 3:5).

The Preacher School is an online school designed to equip all believers to do the work of the ministry (Eph 4:12). All believers are called to be preachers/demonstrators of the gospel —all of us! The purpose of Preacher School is to train every person in the supernatural ministry of Jesus, so everyone can confidently flow in the Holy Spirit and fulfill all God’s purpose—everyone—and to train those whom God calls into church planting. There will be a range of other classes available also.

On this platform you control the notifications and personalize what you receive from Tribe Jesus and anyone within the Tribe Jesus network. You can follow people, events, and groups within the network. You can opt in or out of groups. You can private message people and create your own group. We will post biblical teachings, devotionals, podcasts, worship songs, all with a view to be continually pointing people to Jesus: “All eyes on Jesus!” is our aim—this transforms a person.

Tribe Jesus has a web version for computers and a downloadable app version that works across all your devices. Both are user friendly. This space is safe for young people to use.

Tribe Jesus is $22 per year. Or, $2 per month.

Link here to purchase and begin: TRIBE JESUS

  • Purchase through a regular web browser, then you will be given a prompt to get the app.
  • Create a mini bio. People want to know who you are.
  • Contribute by sharing posts and commenting on other people’s posts.