Right in the middle of any situation we find ourselves in, God is there. Right in the middle of our sometimes mundane, our sometimes triumph, and our sometimes earth shattering tragedy, God is there in the thick of it all.

Moment-by-moment He is aware of our every need and cares deeply about every detail of our lives. He is watching everything. He knows everything. He sees everything. Job 34:21 (paraphrased).

He is waiting to celebrate with us, or bring the help and comfort we so desperately need.

Just because we don’t feel Him in every moment, doesn’t mean His presence has moved on to someone, or somewhere else. No. He is present in our everyday, always!

Jesus says, “…surely I am with you always…” Matthew 28:20.

God’s meticulous careful planning and loving concern for our lives is revealed when we trust Him, believing He is always with us, and when we faithfully seek Him, Proverbs 3:4-6 (paraphrased).

All it takes is simply believing. Having faith like a child who doesn’t question, doesn’t doubt, just believes, Matthew 18:3.

His constant presence holds our very lives together, “He is before all things and in Him all things hold together” Colossians 1:17.