September 17, 2022

I am coming like a flood. I am coming now and will not hold back. Both My great glory and My strong judgment will be known. I am coming to bring My justice, which is different from the world’s understanding of justice. I judge in My righteousness. My righteousness is the standard, but in My mercy, I offer peace to people who will accept Me.

My heart is that all would accept My offer of peace. Their lives will be full and content if only they would see the way to peace is through the Cross of Christ. I made peace with humanity through the Cross of Christ. His blood was shed so that My mercy could be shown to all mankind.

I am coming now like a flood and will wash away all that do not accept My mercy on My terms. It is Jesus Christ. Nothing else. No one else. All counterfeits will be made obvious.

Time is short. Make yourself ready as a bride on her wedding day. I am coming now. Don’t be left in the dark. Keep your lamps burning. Trim your wicks. Keep your oil fresh. This is the time for you to shine. Burn bright for Me.

Isaiah 60 and 61.

A Reformation is underway. God has been speaking on this to me since around 2008. It is clear we are in the beginning stages. Do you know that the Protestant reformation was not merely a few short years, with only a handful of famous men like Martin Luther? It was fought over multiple decades and by many thousands of unknown people. It destabilized nations, and hundreds of thousands of people died. There was much pain and much loss in the process.

God is doing it again. God is reforming us into the people He wants for HIs name.

The flood is revival. It is coming to wash away all that is not of God operating in His church, all those things that so many of us pretend is God: our false religious ways, excuses, jealousies, competition, idols, and squabbling over doctrine. He is removing the secularized and compromised teachings, all the worldly ambition, and all the chasing after money and fame.

And the flood is coming to overwhelm us with His Presence so that we are cleansed and made holy once again. In His Presence we are transformed–re-FORMED–into a people for His Name, once again. Amen!

This reformation will affect the world. God exposing counterfeits. There are many counterfeits in the world. God is going to pour out so much glory and revelation that people will have no other recourse than to give their hearts to the One who created them. They will all see and know that Jesus Christ is Lord!!