1. Love them. Love the whole of who they are. The whole person. Don’t be quick to notice their faults and write them off. Just love them. Accept them the way they are. We all have faults and yet Jesus loves and accepts us so how can we not accept others.
2. Invest yourself in their life. Listen to them. Get their stories. Meet their families. Go to their house. Get to know what they are passionate about because you are genuinely interested in them. Be generous with your time/words/money.
3. Realize that God wants to reach them much more than you do. He has placed you there with a divine purpose. It wasn’t an accident. When you open your mouth and invite them to church, all of heaven is waiting with baited breathe and…
4. God backs up His word. It is powerful and effective, it will accomplish His purpose in a persons life, Hebrews 4:12. So when you are faithful to invite them to church or tell them about Jesus, God does the work in that persons heart. God backs up His word with signs, wonders and miracles, Hebrews 2:4. The greatest miracle is a person giving their life to Jesus.
5. Keep your language simple. Be easy to understand. Don’t be overly spiritual and don’t use language that the unchurched person cannot understand. When Christians do this we don’t sound more intelligent or mature, we sound like hypocritical religious nuts. The way we talk about Jesus and church matters, a lot.
6. Be authentic. Live out a very real honest life before God and before people. God can bless that. We are not perfect and should not try and project an image of that. If we are trying to manage the way people view us, with an appearance of a life that looks like we have it all together, then we are not helping anybody. That is being religious, inauthentic and fake. It turns people off Jesus and off church and God will not bless that.