My kids are the objects of my affection. Very often I stop what I am doing just to watch them. I love to watch them play and giggle and enjoy life. I feel myself fall more in love with them and I appreciate them more everyday. Sometimes my heart will skip a beat as I feel it swell full of love for them.

I watch them a lot. Most of the time they are unaware I am watching them. Occasionally, one of them may look up and catch me watching and throw a loving smile my way, then immediately get right back to being completely absorbed in the play.

I am devoted to them. I delight in them. I want to protect them. I want to provide for them, and secure a future for them. I am responsible for them, after all, they are mine, I made them. There is no limit to what I would do for them. I have sacrificed in ways they won’t realize until they become parents and raise their own children.

My kids trust me and are completely secure in my love for them. They know there will be food on the table and a warm bed for them, always.

This is a good reminder of how God loves us. We are the objects of His affection. Only, He is our very Good and Perfect Father. If as earthly parents we know how to give good things to our children, how much more will God our Father, give us good things? (Matthew 7:11) Is it any wonder Jesus said to have faith like children? They simply trust, no questions, no doubt, they simply believe (Mark 10:15).