As I woke up on Sunday, March 24 at 5AM, the Holy Spirit spoke, “Jael!” directly into my heart. I registered it and went to go make coffee and only a moment later, He said it again, “Jael!” So, I knew it was something He wanted immediate attention on.

Jael is a woman who was part of Jethro’s family; Moses’ father-in-law. Jael was not an Israelite. Further, her family had made a peace treaty with some of Israel’s enemies, including Jabin, king of the Canaanites. Jabin’s ruthless armies were run by a man of particular reputation for murderous brutality, Sisera. King Jabin, Sisera, and the Canaanite army made plans to go up against Israel, but the Israelite army and its brave men were sluggish and apathetic in their response due to fear. God used Jael, a non-Israelite woman, to bring victory to Israel.

For background on Jael, read Judges 4 and 5, see also Exodus 3 and 18 for her lineage. After I read through Jael’s story, the Lord spoke this word:

Expect help from unexpected places. Allow My Spirit to lead and guide you. Look not through eyes of flesh, but rather be inward, looking to the Spirit deep within and you will be guided in Perfect Peace.

This is not a time for anxiety in My people. This is a time to learn My Peace and Rest are what conquer the foe.

Be at Peace in Me. Make Peace with Me. Come and learn My Rest. Many have not yet entered into that place of Rest in Me because they are too busy fighting their battles apart from Me.

I would have them come and sit and Rest with Me, while I rise and fight for them. In My Rest all striving ends.

You cannot win this on your own. You cannot fight the battles, any of them, on your own. There are many [battles], on all fronts, being fought. The winners of this battle are the ones who learn to be at Rest and Peace in Me. They are the ones who have overcome the world.

I AM with you. I AM coming for you.