As the Church, we are a called-out people.

Noah was called out of the world and into the ark. Abram was called out of his father’s house and into the covenant. The Hebrews were called out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. The exiles were called out of Babylon and into Jerusalem. Gideon was called out of a winepress and into leadership. David was called out of the fields and into the anointing. The disciples were called out of their professions and into a life with Jesus. Peter was called out of the boat and into a miracle. The man with Legion was called out of the tombs and into freedom and revival. Even Jesus was called out of Heaven and into the world so that through Him the world might be saved.

When God calls us, walking into the new requires walking out of the old.

There’s no Promised Land in Egypt and there’s no freedom in the tombs.

What is God calling you out of today?

Worldly thinking, unhealthy desires, the need for constant affirmation from others, and fear are some of the places God has called us out of so He can adopt us as sons and daughters into His family — the Church.

Jesus said in Luke 24:5, why do you look for the living among the dead? The Kingdom He has called us into is one of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Those old places and mindsets can never provide what is only available in the Kingdom of God.

Let’s stop looking for life in dead things and follow His call into life and peace.