We easily believe for our salvation. We know because we believe in Jesus, we are saved and our eternal destination is heaven. Why then do so many of us not have the same kind of faith when it comes to our earthly life? We trust Jesus with our forever in eternity, yet find it hard to trust Him with our right now.

Most of us don’t like to have to wait. Impatient and a little impetuous, we want things now; yesterday would have been better. We get anxious, frustrated, some give up, some leave, some rush ahead striving to make things happen for God–as if He somehow needed it, or as if this pleased Him.

God does not desire our impetuous plans, anxious or frustrated trying to work-things-out-on-our-own. It only leads us to over think, overanalyze, come to the wrong conclusions, too often make the wrong decisions, and rush to do the wrong things; or the right things at the wrong time.

This happens because our inability to see and know all things limits our perspective. We are not omniscient, God is. We do not know the future, God does. Understanding this demands we trust Him.

God loves it when we wait. Patiently wait. It shows our obedience. It shows great faith. Over and over the bible says things like, they were told to wait a little longer, Revelation 6:11. Waiting requires that we put our own desires aside and learn to desire God, above all.

God desires our obedience, 1Samuel 15:22. God desires we develop faith. Our faith gives us patience for the journey.

Every person has dreams in their heart, placed their by God. It is for the furthering of the kingdom of God in the earth.

The dreams belong to God and we belong to God. He is our loving Father. He does not fill us full of dreams to frustrate us. He will fulfill us. Part of that fulfillment is the joyful journey of learning to allow God to lead us, to show us His amazing love, and learning to live completely dependent on Him.

Somehow, somewhere, if we stay God-loyal, faithful, and obedient, God will ensure the dreams find full expression. And they will be of great benefit to many people. Jesus will get the glory because we know it wasn’t anything we could do on our own.

Jesus said, trust like a child. A child simply believes. If they are told something by a parent they say, OK! And get on with playing and enjoying the good company of friends and family. We should say a big OK to God and then get on enjoying the good life He brings our way.

…Allow the little children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such [as these] belongs the kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not accept and receive and welcome the kingdom of God like a little child [does] shall not in any way enter it [at all], Luke 18:16,17, AMP.

Who are the to such as these? It’s you and me, if we simply believe what God has said and do it. No questions. No compromises. No second guessing. No teenager attitude. No young-adult entitlement. No mature-adult doubtful skepticism. No asserting our will over that of God’s. Just simply accepting and receiving what God is doing.

Simply and humbly trust that God holds the future. Then take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the journey.