1. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you are continually aware of the condition of your own heart. You are softer, more grateful, and always repentant before Him, for even the slightest of wrong attitudes or thoughts.

2. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you are listening to Him with a quick, willing, and instant response of faith and obedience.

3. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you are open, warm, gracious, and loving toward all people; showing no favoritism, not ever.

4. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when love for other people dominates your thinking and motivates everything you do.

5. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you are keenly aware and accountable for your mistakes. This awareness stops you being a critical and harsh judge of others.

6. If you are a leader in God’s House, you know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you don’t have any need to throw around your God-given authority in an effort to show others who is in charge. God-given authority is never used to assert dominance, control, or abuse others.

7. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you realize God-given authority is for serving others; never self-serving.

8. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you realize there is absolutely no need to self-assert your leadership over, or above, another person.

9. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when your strength is used for service, not status.

10. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you know the gifts and call on your life are for building up and encouraging others; always others.

11. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you value people over your own comforts, conveniences, and even your own life.

12. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when heavens priorities become your priorities.

13. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you live obedient to God, no matter what circumstances come your way.

14. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you don’t compare yourself with other people, you simply live to please God.

15. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when the attention, popularity, or promotion that comes from man is so unimportant, unnecessary, and even, an unwanted distraction; because you simply live to please God, not man.

16. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you live in the radical pursuit of Jesus, with a willingness to accomplish everything He has tasked you to do in the earth.

17. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you work to lovingly get along with all God’s people, in mutual submission and unity, working together, to accomplish God’s plans in the earth.

18. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you more courageously speak about God’s love and forgiveness to every person that comes into your world, because you are deathly aware of people’s need to make a decision to follow Jesus.

19. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you realize the desperate plight of every human’s heart, and their desperate need of God.

20. You know you are growing closer to God’s heart when you cannot even look at another person, wherever you are, no matter who the person is, and prayerfully wonder about the spiritual condition of their heart; wanting God’s absolute best for them.